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Climate Change and Amazonia: A Crucial Crossroad for a Sustainable Future

IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024, at the heart of Amazonia, convenes diverse sectors, institutions and countries across Latin America and the Caribbean to explore creative ways of grappling with this global challenge.

Una joven indígena de la Amazonía

Climate change touches every corner of the globe and every sector of the economy. As we approach IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024, we cast a wide net to engage all Latin America and the Caribbean in the conversation. At the same time, the focus sharpens on Amazonia. 

The region's heterogeneity mirrors the multifaceted nature of the climate crisis itself. Complexity demands an integrated and interdisciplinary response.

The first message to convey is the dual nature of our approach to climate change: mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation efforts aim to avoid the unmanageable impacts that climate change would generate if left unconstrained, through reducing emissions and facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy. 

Adaptation strategies seek to manage the unavoidable, dealing with the impacts of climate change today and in the future through building resilience in the face of shifting environmental conditions. This high-level dichotomy, which really means both/and instead of either/or, serves as a framework for contextualizing the diverse sessions planned for the event.

IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024. Register NOW!

It is in those sessions where we drill down to make sense of the complexities around climate change, to discuss real solutions that work for real businesses. Sessions range from how to decarbonize industry to exploring the financial sector's role in enabling the transition to a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive future. 

Amazonia highlights the interconnection of the climate crisis with both social inclusion, equity, and development and with biodiversity and nature.  

To illustrate, enabling a sustainable bioeconomy can be a vehicle to protect nature, to create inclusive growth, and to combat the climate crisis at the same time. 

Amongst the roundtables, keynotes and panels will be a discussion on nature-based solutions and forestry, featuring representatives from Blue Orchard and other large companies. . 

This session exemplifies the event's commitment to exploring innovative approaches to climate action. Indeed, a critical aspect of our climate strategy is recognizing and leveraging the synergies between mitigation and adaptation. Rather than opposing camps, we must recognize their complementarity.  

Amazonia, a barometer for our planet's health, is at a critical tipping point in determining our path toward sustainable development. This approach seeks solutions for decarbonization, adaptation, and biodiversity protection, benefiting nature and people.

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Our track record as IDB Invest in mobilizing capital and de-risking projects demonstrates our ability to direct financial flows toward these crucial areas. As a critical ecosystem, Amazonia must be a focal point for investment. 

This is not just about money; it's about creating partnerships and demonstration effects showing that sustainable business practices can be profitable with compromising neither climate action nor social responsibility.

While our resources are modest compared to major private asset managers, our impact lies in our ability to mobilize funds and catalyze change. 

Shaping the future

As we look ahead to our new institutional strategy, IDB Invest+, our message is clear: what we have accomplished so far is merely the start. 

We must continue to push the boundaries, striving for a world where sustainable development is not optional but the only way forward. Our commitment to help the private sector across Latin America and the Caribbean embrace this paradigm is unwavering.

IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024 is an opportunity to collaborate on addressing climate change. It's a chance to highlight the interconnectedness of our planet's systems and the need for integrated solutions. 

As we engage in this dialogue, let's remember that we are in the critical decade for climate action, with the potential to shape the futures of generations to come.

IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024. Click the image below to register: 

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Nora Lambrecht

Nora Lambrecht is a climate risk officer in the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Division of IDB Invest. She previously worked in the a

Camila Rodríguez Taylor

Camila is a Senior Climate Advisor for IDB Invest, working at the Advisory Services Division at IDB Invest. She is responsible for assessing the Paris

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