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Camila Rodríguez Taylor

Camila is a Senior Climate Advisor for IDB Invest, working at the Advisory Services Division at IDB Invest. She is responsible for assessing the Paris Alignment of transactions and estimating climate finance. She designs, develops and executes IDB Invest advisory services to help clients adopt climate resilience and decarbonization measures. Before joining the IDB Group, Camila worked in the climate change units of the Ministry of Agroindustry and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina. She has more than 15 years of experience in sustainable finance, climate risk and resilience, and decarbonization pathways. Camila holds a master's degree in Environmental Management with a specialization in Climate Change from the School of Environmental Studies at Yale University (USA) and a degree in environmental engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.

Posts by Camila Rodríguez Taylor

Una joven indigena de la Amazonía
Climate Change and Amazonia: A Crucial Crossroad for a Sustainable Future

IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024, at the heart of Amazonia, convenes diverse sectors, institutions and countries across Latin America and the Caribbean to explore creative ways of grappling with this global challenge.

Una playa en el Caribe
Green Tourism in the Caribbean Makes Business Sense: LEED and EDGE can Make it Happen

Green building certifications play a crucial role in reducing emissions by encouraging and recognizing sustainable practices in the construction and operation of buildings. Combining technical assistance and blended finance can further promote the sharing of knowledge and best practices, in addition to providing incentives to ramp up climate action.

Un agricultor utiliza una aplicación para controlar sus cultivos
Cutting-edge Data for  Agricultural Resilience: Introducing AGRIADAPT

How can agribusinesses proactively navigate the effects of climate change and become more resilient? By unlocking the potential of data.  IDB Invest has created AGRIADAPT, a tool based on cutting-edge agricultural and climate data that provides customized climate vulnerability analysis and adaptation recommendations.

Un apicultir pesando un panal.
Equipment, Training and Queens: Helping Beekeepers in Mexico  Boost Climate Resilience 

How can we help small beekeepers in Latin America and the Caribbean strengthen productivity and climate resilience? According to a recent IDB Invest evaluation of a pilot program in Mexico, by providing them with a combination of basic inputs and training. But most importantly, queen bees. Through this approach, producers managed to increase honey production, yields, and the number of hives in their colonies and adopted best practices in hive management, boosting resilience to future climate events.

Image showing an agrophotovoltaic crop
Agrophotovoltaics: A Double Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean

Agrophotovoltaic production combines crop growing and/or animal husbandry practices underneath ground-mounted solar panels. By generating renewable energy, conserving water and making an efficient use of resources, it can open the way for a low-carbon, climate change-resilient future.

Addressing Climate Change while Building Resilience in Agriculture

The dual need for adaptation and mitigation investments requires an innovative approach. Blended finance and advisory services can offer a fresh start.