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Camila Rodríguez Taylor

Camila is a Senior Climate Advisor for IDB Invest, working at the Advisory Services Division at IDB Invest. She is responsible for assessing the Paris Alignment of transactions and estimating climate finance. She designs, develops and executes IDB Invest advisory services to help clients adopt climate resilience and decarbonization measures. Before joining the IDB Group, Camila worked in the climate change units of the Ministry of Agroindustry and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Argentina. She has more than 15 years of experience in sustainable finance, climate risk and resilience, and decarbonization pathways. Camila holds a master's degree in Environmental Management with a specialization in Climate Change from the School of Environmental Studies at Yale University (USA) and a degree in environmental engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.

Posts by Camila Rodríguez Taylor

Climate Action Beyond Net Zero Emissions: the Challenge of Adaptation

Climate risks are rising. To limit or avoid climate impacts companies must embed adaptation into their climate strategies and invest in resilience. Adaptation finance and advisory services are key to drive climate resilience in the private sector.

Regenerative Agriculture Offers Fresh Solutions for Latin America & the Caribbean

Regenerative agriculture aims to catalyze ecological restoration, going beyond sustainable. It comprises holistic management that fosters soil regeneration, increased productivity and biological diversity, animal welfare, as well as farm and community economics. Blended finance resources and advisory services are key to catalyze innovative regenerative business models.

Three Ways In Which the Tourism Industry Can Help Build Climate Resilience in the Caribbean

As the Caribbean emerges from the pandemic, tourism stakeholders can embrace initiatives to increase climate change resilience through a focus on the environment, local communities, and value chains.