Thematic Bonds that Create Future
Thematic bonds can be bonds defined by the use of proceeds or bonds linked to sustainability performance:
Bonds defined by the use of proceeds: they are classified as green, social and sustainable bonds. Green bonds are used solely to finance environmental objectives, social bonds are dedicated to projects aimed at improving social well-being, and sustainability bonds combine social and environmental objectives.
Bonds linked to sustainability performance: They are performance-based instruments with financial characteristics linked to predetermined sustainability objectives.
Thematic Bonds are a fundamental instrument to achieve investments towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Thematic bonds support access to long-term financing in capital markets and help diversify financing sources.
| How Are Thematic Bonds Classified?
Proceeds from Green bonds are exclusively allocated to financing projects with an evident environmental benefit: Renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, clean transportation, and ecological construction.
Blue Bonds are a subclass of green bonds to finance ocean-focused projects with positive environmental, economic and climate benefits.
Proceeds from Social Bonds are exclusively allocated to financing projects with an evident positive social impact, especially for vulnerable groups such as the unemployed or people below the poverty line.
Gender Bonds are a subclass of social bonds for projects that support the advancement, empowerment and equality of women.
Proceeds from Sustainable Bonds are exclusively applied to finance a combination of both green and social projects.
These funds seek to improve the borrower's sustainability profile by aligning the terms of the debt with the borrower's performance against predetermined sustainable targets.
| Our Thematic Bonds
| Learn about the experience of the beneficiaries

First blue bond with incentives linked to objectives, issued by Banco Bolivariano
First diversity and inclusion social bond with incentives linked to objectives, issued by Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jardín Azuayo
| Knowledge to continue generating impact

September 2024
Financing Sustainability Through Capital Markets: A Practitioner’s Guide and Toolkit for Thematic Bonds
October 2023
Latin America and the Caribbean Sustainable Debt State of the Market 2022
May 2021
Financing Sustainability through Capital Markets: A Practitioner's Guide and Toolkit for Thematic Bonds
June 2021
Factsheet: Accelerating Blue Bonds Issuances in Latin America and the Caribbean
25 Mar 2024
Sharing Knowledge, Key to Transition to a Sustainable Economy: Our Experience in Mexico
| Webinars
Accelerating Blue Bonds Issuances in Latin America and the Caribbean
Investing in sustainability – a five-step guide to thematic bonds issuance and investment