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Issuers: Corporates, Financial Intermediaries, Special Purpose Vehicles and any entity eligible to receive financing in accordance to IDB Group policies

Project number


FI-2 operations are those where the risk potential is considered medium: the FI’s current or future portfolio consists of or is expected to consist of, business activities that have potential limited adverse environmental or social risks or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible, and readily addressed through mitigation measures; or includes a very limited number of business activities with potential adverse environmental or social risks or impacts that are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented.

E&S category





Financial Institutions



Disclosed date


Projected date at which a project will be put forward for the Board of Executive Directors’ approval.

Projected board date


Approval date


Signed date


Sponsoring entity

Not Applicable

Investment Operations Department Contact

Financial Products and Services Division

Investment type

Syndicated amount


Financing amount

USD $ 400,000,000



Project scope and objective

Development of local bond markets contributes to deepen the financial system and increases countries’ resilience to the reversal of capital flows during periods of financial instability; capital markets help mobilize domestic savings for financing long-term investments reducing dependency on external borrowing. Latin America and the Caribbean countries (“LAC”) lag other emerging markets regions in terms of capital market development, namely in private sector participation. LAC corporate bond issuances represent only 33% of GDP vs. East Asia with 95% and Eastern Europe with 43%. Corporate bond markets in LAC are also characterized by a high concentration in highly rated companies (AA rating or above), lack of liquidity, small size of corporate issuances and shorter maturities than sovereign bonds.

The IDB Group is seeking to support LAC private sector issuers1 in accessing Debt Capital Markets financing with two products both in local currency and USD: (i) partial credit guarantees (“PCGs”) that will act as credit enhancement to meet local institutional investors’ risk appetite and rating requirements; and (ii) the subscription of debt securities2 which is expected to act as “seal of quality” to boost investors’ confidence. Private sector issuers are expected to benefit from bond issuances as they provide a more diversified base of financing, and better financial terms (longer maturities, larger ticket sizes, etc.). The Program is expected to contribute to deepen financial systems of LAC.


1 Private sector issuers include: Corporates, Financial Intermediaries, Special, Purpose Vehicles, and any other entity eligible to receive financing in accordance to IDB Group policies.

2 Debt securities are debt instruments issued by corporates, financial institutions, sub-nationals entities, included among others: bonds, notes, debentures, certificates, commercial paper that are traded in the capital markets.

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Environmental and social review

IDB Invest conducts an environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) commensurate with the nature, scale, and stage of the project, and with its level of environmental and social risks and impacts. The ESDD will confirm the project E&S categorization and assess the project with respect to the client requirements in IDB Invest Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy. The results of the ESDD, including any identified gaps are described in the Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) provided below. For projects approved as of 2016, any gaps with respect to IDB Invest's Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy at the time of the ESDD are addressed in the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) presented below, to comply with the date mentioned above.


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IDB Invest Contact





1350 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005

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Learn more about how we provide private-sector solutions in the region .