What are the channels for submitting a grievance?
Connect with our clients:
Individuals or communities are encouraged to contact the client through its grievance mechanism first, to request project-related information or present complaints. IDB Invest discloses the client’s contact information for each project under our Projects site.
Management Grievance Mechanism (MGM)
We encourage stakeholders to reach out to the IDB Invest’s Grievance Mechanism if a complaint with a client remains unresolved or if there is any fear of reprisals.
The MGM does not substitute any existing grievance mechanism but provides a new option to local communities and stakeholders seeking to raise a concern or complaint.
Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism:
This independent accountability office impartially addresses and investigates environmental and social complaints from individuals or communities that are considered affected by projects financed by IDB Invest.
A request will be deemed eligible by the ICIM if, among others, the individuals or communities describe the efforts made to address the issues with IDB Invest
For more information about the ICIM, please visit its website.
What is the relationship between the MGM and ICIM?
The MGM and the ICIM are not related. The MGM is an additional channel, managed by the IDB Invest, to submit claims or concerns. Individuals and communities can reach out to the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (ICIM) at any time without the need to exhaust the other channels.
Who can file a complaint to the MGM?
Individuals or communities that could be impacted by or have an interest in the projects that are financed or considering financing by the IDB Invest.
What are the criteria to file a complaint to the MGM?
Eligible complaints should meet the following criteria:
It is related to a project that is financed or considering financing by the IDB Invest.
It is related to the environmental, social, and/or governance (ESG) performance of the project.
Where can I file a complaint that does not meet the criteria?
Fraud or corruptions complaints of IDB Group-financed activities: Office of the Institutional Integrity (OII).
Complaints that are not related to ESG issues can be directed to our Access to Information channel.
What is the confidentiality policy?
IDB Invest will respect the claimant’s confidentiality. If a claimant prefers to maintain their identity confidentially due to fear of retaliation, IDB Invest will maintain such confidentiality, to the extent possible (i.e., no one outside the IDB Group will be provided with your name or contact information).
What languages can be used to file a complaint?
IDB Invest accepts all languages spoken in Latin America and the Caribbean.