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Posts by Development Impact

In Confusing Times, Clarifying ESG principles is Key for the Region’s Banking Sector

Recent global political and financial tensions highlight the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors for the region’s banking sector. A study provides key conclusions on the early adoption of these factors in the Southern Cone.

Digitalization & Sustainability Come to the Clothing Industry’s Rescue

Spendthrift consumerism comes with massive environmental costs, and the “fast fashion” model in the clothing industry is highly wasteful and damaging to the planet. New digital business models focused on re-use and re-sale are changing the shape of the industry for the better in the region and elsewhere.

IDB World: Schools during COVID-19, Silver Economy, Women in the Workforce

We present three selected blog posts from the IDB Group, on school attendance during the pandemic, the silver economy of the elderly and the new reality of women in the region’s workforce.

How Has Access to Credit Been Affected by the Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean?

How has the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped financial markets in LAC? A new “credit” section in the IDB and IDB Invest Coronavirus Impact Dashboard offers some answers

Building Sustainable Value Chains to Ensure Sustainable Growth

Covid-19 disruptions, aggravated by the ongoing environmental crisis, have put value chains in the international spotlight, drawing public and private sector’s attention to the need of stronger value chain security and a stronger focus on sustainability. ESG performance has become a central part of this discussion, as the world strives to building more secure and sustainable value chains.

Using Incentives and Nudges to Help Companies in Latin America & the Caribbean

Donor funds can be combined with equity investments to create incentives and nudges for corporate management teams, to achieve a particular outcome that is good for society or the planet, and hopefully both.