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Posts by Development Impact

Five Challenges for Infrastructure Financing with Private Involvement

PPPs in Latin America & the Caribbean may face challenges related to the depth of financial markets, the incentives and mechanisms for investor diversification, the environment for private investment, and underlying project and contract structures.

Four Ways to Put the Circular Economy to Work for Your Company

The circular economy is tailor-made to tackle climate change and to shepherd the limited natural resources we depend on. In past years, we have seen a tremendous uptake of this agenda in the region, both in terms of policies and public initiatives as well as private sector action.

How a New Sustainable Mindset Will Help Future Construction

It’s important to invest in the construction of buildings that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it is equally, or more, important to create a new financial framework and a new mentality that helps investors direct their funds in this regard.

As ESG Investors Look for Returns, Sustainability-Linked Bonds are the Hot New Thing

SLBs are new type of ESG-friendly bonds with variable coupons tied to sustainability targets. As opposed to green, social or sustainable bonds, issuance proceeds are not tied to specific green or social projects or assets; the focus is on the company’s ability to meet its commitments.

IDB World: Caribbean Social Infrastructure, Energy and the Pandemic’s Effect on Inequality

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries, on strengthening the resilience of the social infrastructure of the Caribbean, the energy sector and the pandemic's effects on inequality in the region.

IDB World: Government Responses to the Pandemic, Elders and Female Security

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries on the responses of Latin American and Caribbean governments to the pandemic, lessons to be learned from plans for the elderly in France, and women's safety in the region