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Posts by Development Impact

New Data Shows the Impacts of the Pandemic on Caribbean Businesses

The Caribbean region has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic, with a deeper economic contraction than Latin America as a whole. The impact has been worse for women-owned/led firms and smaller firms, and supply chain disruptions have significantly affected firm performance.

IDB World: The Enigma of Informal Work during the Pandemic, Desalination & Value Chains

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries, about the enigma of informal work during the pandemic, desalination and value chains involving the U.S.

Moving Away from Libor: A Quick Guide for the Puzzled

In recent years, financial authorities across the globe have been looking at ways to move away from the Libor reference rate, and multiple solutions have been proposed. A switch to the more reliable SOFR rate is in the works and will be completed by June 2023.

IDB World: Crime & Public Opinion; Peru’s Green Coast & Latin Entrepreneurs

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries, on crime and public opinion in the region, transportation improvements in Peru’s Green Coast, and the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Can Digital Credit Boost E-commerce among MSMEs?

Reaping the rewards of e-commerce is a challenge for many MSMEs. The solution may lie in the so-called “digital credit” offered by fintech companies within commercial platforms that bypass traditional banks.

IDB World: Nearshoring in Costa Rica, Regional Tax Policy & Gender Gaps

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries, on nearshoring in Costa Rica, a survey on taxation in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a call for research on gender gaps in the region.