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Posts by Development Impact

Ten Good Things That 2020 Left Behind

Let's have a look at ten good, non-transient things from this year that are here to stay.

ESG Factors (2): How Emerging Markets Can Benefit

Disclosure and transparency on the management of ESG factors provides companies with added value, as many investors are building investment portfolios with ESG factors where only companies that meet certain criteria are eligible.

ESG Factors (1): What's in It for You If You Are in Emerging Markets?

The point of ESG principles is that they should be integrated into company strategy, for the benefit of shareholders and stakeholders, including investors in emerging markets. Non-financial risk disclosure is following the same historical trend as the financial risk report.

Looking to Woo Investors? You Need Good Corporate Governance

To achieve their development goals, Latin America and the Caribbean must create an attractive investment environment for the private sector. Transparency and fairness to shareholders are key to building trust in emerging markets.

Five Ways Impact Management
Five Ways Impact Management Can Jump-Start Latin America & the Caribbean's Recovery

“Build back better” or “build forward better” — no matter how you phrase it, turning mounting investor interest in sustainable and impact investing into action is a must for any COVID-19 recovery scenario. Impact management is another key to making sure this push to action is done both effectively and with integrity.

No Data, No Technology: Removing Obstacles from MSMEs' Path to Growth

The growing effort of multinational companies to improve the resilience of their supply chains in the current context has large corporations seeking to outsource from places closer to home, a phenomenon known as “nearshoring.” Before this becomes commonplace, there are obstacles that must be overcome.