Store Brands, a Unique Opportunity for MSMEs and Women's Businesses
Integrating these businesses into the supply chain benefits retailers, suppliers and consumers, while fostering economic growth, innovation and social inclusion.
How Can We Advance Gender Equality in the Private Sector? Financial Incentives May Help
There is no shortage of women with the leadership qualities needed to run a business or excel in the workplace. What’s often missing are the opportunities to do so. Performance-based financial incentives can help fill this gap by motivating companies to advance gender equality in their operations.
LGBTQ+ Inclusion in the Workplace: A Business Imperative for Latin American and the Caribbean
The inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in the business environment is imperative to improve staff retention, employee satisfaction, and productivity.
Switching Lenses for Development: How to Use Gender-Lens Investment for Equality
Gender lens investment has great social impact, and a safe, sustainable long-term ROI, bringing about profitability while pushing for equality.
Using Gender-Smart Housing to Protect Women
Gender-smart housing is a socio-urban intervention strategy aimed at promoting women’s safety in housing spaces based on a gender-lens territorial analysis.
Leveraging the Sustainable Fund Ecosystem in Latin America & the Caribbean
The ecosystem growing around sustainable funds offers a source of financing for companies in the region, which may help international and local investors to develop their own sustainability agenda with transactions classified as impact investments in their portfolios.