We Helped a Solar Plant Hire More Women. Will the Industry Follow Suit?
The Lucayas Solar Power Project in the Bahamas marked a milestone by pioneering the integration of women in the construction of solar photovoltaic plants. What we learned in the process can help other companies’ commitment to gender equity.
Women of Afro-Descendance: Untapped Talent and Market for the Private Sector
The IDB Group recently launched two toolkits to support the rise of afro-descendant women in the private sector in the region.
Double-Click for Women: Closing the Digital Divide from a Private-Sector Perspective
By closing the technology and gender digital divide, we could add about $2 trillion to global GDP, and prevent the creation of wider gender gaps as automation replaces the less-qualified workforce, frequently women, in larger numbers.
Uncovering the Hidden Cost of Gender Biases in Lending to Women
Unconscious or not, gender biases leave millions of women on the sidelines of financial inclusion, and millions of dollars in foregone profits for banks on the table. Reducing gender bias in lending is key as the pandemic recedes, so that women-led businesses help to propel the recovery.
Towards a Fair, Inclusive Transition: Employing Women in Infrastructure Projects
Investments in infrastructure are key to an inclusive and job-creating recovery, and promote access to more and better services for lower-income households. But women are still little involved in this kind of projects.
Making Women Welcome: the Next Challenge for Renewable Energy Construction Projects
If we want the benefits of the energy transition extended to women, then private sector-led workforce development – focused on female employment in construction, currently very low – is critical.