We Are Half the Population But Less Than One-third of Top Corporate Leaders. What Can Companies Do?
The evidence is solid: companies with women in leadership positions achieve clear financial and business benefits. Despite significant challenges, the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean has the opportunity to do more about it.
IDB World: Citizen Urbanism, Teleworking with Gender Lenses, Glaciers & Sustainability
We are featuring three blog posts from the IDB Group on citizen urbanism, teleworking with a gender lens, and glaciers and sustainability.
Women of Afro-Descendance: Untapped Talent and Market for the Private Sector
The IDB Group recently launched two toolkits to support the rise of afro-descendant women in the private sector in the region.
How Can the Private Sector Contribute to Gender Issues in Bolivia?
The private sector can help strengthen the recent progress of the Plurinational State of Bolivia on gender issues, as well as complementing the government's efforts for post-pandemic economic recovery and the role of women both in labor participation and through the enterprises they lead.
Reigniting Women-led Businesses in the Caribbean with Better Access to Finance
New data from the Caribbean shows that high collateral requirements and interest rates are among the top barriers for women-owned and -led businesses looking for financing. Overcoming these hurdles is an important challenge for the Caribbean, especially as firms seek to regain a foothold in a post-pandemic private sector.
Leveraging the Sustainable Fund Ecosystem in Latin America & the Caribbean
The ecosystem growing around sustainable funds offers a source of financing for companies in the region, which may help international and local investors to develop their own sustainability agenda with transactions classified as impact investments in their portfolios.