Company name
Sigora Haiti, S.A.
Project number
Category B projects have potential environmental and/or social impacts and risks that are less adverse than those of a Category A and which are generally limited to the project site, largely reversible and can be mitigated via measures that are readily available and feasible to implement in the context of the operation.
E&S category
In implementation
Disclosed date
Projected date at which a project will be put forward for the Board of Executive Directors’ approval.
Projected board date
Approval date
Signed date
Sponsoring entity
Sigora International
Investment Operations Department Contact
Portfolio Management Division
Investment type
Syndicated amount
USD $ 8,000,000
Financing amount
USD $ 1,500,000
Project scope and objective
Sigora Haiti (“Sigora”) is a subsidiary of Sigora International (the “Sponsor”). Sigora constructed a microgrid in the communities of Môle Saint Nicolas, Jean Rabel, Bombardopolis and Presqu’ile, which has been operating since May 2017 and which consists of 1.25 megawatts (“MW”) of diesel capacity, 0.2MW of solar capacity, transmission and interconnection infrastructure, as well as smart meter hardware to connect approximately 4,500 residential and commercial customers (the “Pilot Project”). Sigora sells energy to residential customers on a pre-paid basis through independent vendors that collect cash payments from individuals and then transfer funds to the Company via an electronic transfer system. Commercial customers sign one-year PPAs with Sigora providing for the purchase of electricity at a fixed rate in US$/kWh consumed.
Sigora intends to expand the Pilot Project by adding wind power and battery capacity, interconnecting the municipalities of Môle Saint Nicolas, Jean Rabel and Bombardopolis, and expanding the grid to reach the municipality of Mare Rouge to provide 24-7 electricity service for a total of 6,600 commercial and residential connections in the Northwest of Haiti (“Cluster 1”). In addition, Sigora plans to build a second, independent, microgrid approximately 200 km south of Cluster 1 in the municipalities of Liancourt, Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite and Dessalines (“Cluster 2”). Cluster 2 will consist of diesel and solar generation combined with battery technology and will allow Sigora to add 15,000 connections. Ultimately, the Project will supply electricity to approximately 21,600 connections, or 110,000 individuals, in eight municipalities. Together the Cluster 1 activities and Cluster 2 activities are the “Project”.
IDB Invest is currently considering providing an up to US$3.0 million senior loan and mobilizing up to US$7.0 million in subordinated financing from the Clean Technology Fund to support the Project.
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Client Contact
IDB Invest Contact
1350 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005
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Request informationLearn more about how we provide private-sector solutions in the region .
Environmental and social review
IDB Invest conducts an environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) commensurate with the nature, scale, and stage of the project, and with its level of environmental and social risks and impacts. The ESDD will confirm the project E&S categorization and assess the project with respect to the client requirements in IDB Invest Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy. The results of the ESDD, including any identified gaps are described in the Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) provided below. For projects approved as of 2016, any gaps with respect to IDB Invest's Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy at the time of the ESDD are addressed in the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) presented below, to comply with the date mentioned above.
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