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Company name

BlueOrchard Finance Ltd.

Project number


FI-2 operations are those where the risk potential is considered medium: the FI’s current or future portfolio consists of or is expected to consist of, business activities that have potential limited adverse environmental or social risks or impacts that are few in number, generally site-specific, largely reversible, and readily addressed through mitigation measures; or includes a very limited number of business activities with potential adverse environmental or social risks or impacts that are diverse, irreversible, or unprecedented.

E&S category





Financial Institutions


In implementation

Disclosed date


Projected date at which a project will be put forward for the Board of Executive Directors’ approval.

Projected board date


Approval date


Signed date


Sponsoring entity


Investment Operations Department Contact

INO Portfolio Management (PTM)

Investment type

Syndicated amount


Financing amount

USD $ 35,000,000



Project scope and objective

The BlueOrchard Covid-19 Emerging and Frontier Markets MSME Support Fund (the “Fund” or “BlueOrchard MSME COVID19 Response Fund”) is a new global debt fund focused on providing support financing to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (“MSMEs”) through specialized lenders (Financial Intermediaries (“FIs”)) in Emerging Markets (“EMs”) and frontier markets globally to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and support economic recovery. IDB Invest is proposing an investment of up to US$35 million, or 15% of the total Fund capital, to support part of the Fund’s investments in Latin America and the Caribbean (“LAC”).

The Fund will be managed by BlueOrchard Finance Ltd, a global impact investment manager, with more than 20 years of track record in microfinance and financial inclusion.

With a target size of US$350 million, the Fund is expected to mobilize Development Finance Institutions (“DFIs”) and global institutional investors’ capital to provide much-needed funding to MSMEs through FIs (Microfinance Institutions, (“MFIs”); banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions (“NBFIs”)). Given the characteristic of the COVID-19 crisis, in an initial phase of 12 - 24 months, the Fund is expected to provide liquidity solutions to support MSMEs operations, secure jobs, and avoid business closures and disruptions in the supply chain. In a second phase, the Fund will provide funding to support the economic recovery of MSMEs through funding to expand MSME portfolios of specialized FIs to further increase financial inclusion and support economic recovery.

The Fund will be further equipped with a dedicated Technical Assistance Facility supported to fast track the recovery of MSMEs even in the most vulnerable sectors and geographies.

The Fund qualifies under the 2X Challenge criteria — a commitment by the DFIs of the G7 to mobilize US$3 billion in commitments toward investments that support women’s economic empowerment in emerging markets.

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Environmental and social review

IDB Invest conducts an environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) commensurate with the nature, scale, and stage of the project, and with its level of environmental and social risks and impacts. The ESDD will confirm the project E&S categorization and assess the project with respect to the client requirements in IDB Invest Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy. The results of the ESDD, including any identified gaps are described in the Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) provided below. For projects approved as of 2016, any gaps with respect to IDB Invest's Environmental and Social Sustainability Policy at the time of the ESDD are addressed in the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) presented below, to comply with the date mentioned above.


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+41 22 5964795


IDB Invest Contact





1350 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005

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