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Posts by Development Impact

The Private Sector: a Key Player in the Acceleration of the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

The global COVID-19 vaccination campaign will be the largest in history and the delivery of vaccines brings major challenges of scale and speed. Here’s three ways in which the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean has a strategic role to play in that process.

IDB World: Fiscal Strategy, the Costs of Crime & Exports

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries, on the need for a fiscal strategy for the region to emerge from the coronavirus crisis, the cost of crime in El Salvador and the importance of exports

Pharma Is Helping Us See the Light at the End of the COVID-19 Tunnel

Currently, the top priority in Latin America and the Caribbean is the massive vaccination campaigns. However, we cannot ignore the fact that we need to increase our support to the pharmaceutical sector, which ultimately is the one showing us the light at the end of the tunnel.

Let’s Not Lose This Window of Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean

The pandemic has devastated Latin America and the Caribbean, putting a strain on government finances, leaving the private sector in a leading position for the recovery. But we cannot forget the bigger picture: building a more inclusive and sustainable region.

IDB World: Working from Home, Solar Panels in the Amazon, the Middle Class

Below are three entries selected from IDB Group blogs on the effects of working from home on pollution and climate change, solar energy in the Bolivian Amazon rainforest and the growing middle class in Latin America & the Caribbean.

IDB World: Videogames, Transportation, Vaccine Watch

Below are three IDB's blog entries about video games and public transport in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the vaccination pace in the region.