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Ana Rosa Echeverri

Ana Rosa is the Private Sector Coordinator of the Andean Region (CAN). In this position, she has given support to the private sector through the inclusion in the IDB Group's country strategies the implementation activities of the prioritized private sectors. She coordinates the integration of IDB Invest, IDB and IDB Lab teams from various areas, to produce more complete projects, providing more complete financial and knowledge solutions. Ana Rosa supports the development of markets, products, and tools for the private sector of the countries of the Andean region. Ana Rosa was an Investment Officer in Financial Institutions at IDB Invest since 2015. Her main achievements in this position were to originate and structure financial solutions to financial institutions in the region, leading the IDB Group's sustainability agendas on issues such as green, social and gender finance, digitalization and inclusion. During her career at the IDB Group, she has been a Project Portfolio Officer and has been in charge of the credit risk analysis of financial operations in the Transportation, Manufacturing, sectors among others. Prior to joining the IDB Group, she was Vice President of the rating agency Bank Watch Ratings of Colombia and Director of the Financial and Economic Analysis Unit of the Financial Superintendence of Colombia. She also worked with the Foreign Trade Bank of Colombia Bancoldex, in the area of financing regional banks with foreign trade and rediscount lines. Ana Rosa holds a master degree in Finance from Birbeck College, University of London (United Kingdom), as well as a specialization in Investment Project Evaluation from the Universidad de los Andes and an undergraduate degree in Economics from the Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). She is currently pursuing a master degree in Sustainable Development at the Universidad de los Andes.

Posts by Ana Rosa Echeverri

Una estatua de Aristóteles
Aristotle’s Wisdom and Synergies at IDB Group

The philosophical maxim about the whole and the parts is the perfect metaphor for illustrating how we work together to multiply the impact of our institutional efforts to build a better world.

Reaping the Benefits of Subordinated Bonds: The Case of Banco de Bogotá

Subordinated bonds can extend financing to the real sector and priority segments, such as small- and medium-sized enterprises, women entrepreneurs, and green projects that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Leveraging the Sustainable Fund Ecosystem in Latin America & the Caribbean

The ecosystem growing around sustainable funds offers a source of financing for companies in the region, which may help international and local investors to develop their own sustainability agenda with transactions classified as impact investments in their portfolios.