On International Happiness Day, Let’s Think about Women in the Workplace
“Happiness is an inside job”, said author John Powell. Well, here’s breaking news: as pretty as it sounds, there are some external constraints to happiness for more than half the world’s population. Let’s start with some of the issues that women face in the workplace, as well as three ways to start turning these around:

PEDAL YOUR BIKE. 3 Rides for Sustainability. #COP20
Leaders from government, civil society and the private sector are gathered in Peru this week for the final days of the 20th session of the Conference of Parties (COP) to define the way forward on climate change. Bringing climate change to the world stage communicates the urgency of the issue. Many companies are already engaged, and some have even based their business models on green principles. Bicycles are one tool. Check out three rides for sustainability:

Corporate Governance: A match made in heaven or a relationship on the rocks?
As in romance, a company and its corporate governance structure can be a match made in heaven. Together they can ensure greater competitiveness, transparency and access to international financial markets. Consequently this attracts more investors to the country. And while the “perfect marriage” does not exist, when it comes to family business, corporate governance fosters harmony. If handled poorly, it can put the relationship on the rocks, making it problematic, uncomfortable, and at risk of corporate failure.