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When It Comes to the Climate, 10 Years Is Nothing

The European Union, with its Green Deal underway, has pledged to reduce its emissions of polluting gases by 55% in 2030 to achieve a zero emissions goal in 2050.

Fund Managers, Here’s How to Invest for a Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient World

Five years ago this week, with the signing of the Paris Agreement, 189 countries made ambitious climate commitments, including to make all finance flows consistent with a low-carbon, climate-resilient world. Now, investors are increasingly focusing on climate change.

Five Years After Paris, Latin America and the Caribbean is an Example for Climate Policies

Although some warned that short-term problems would hide long-term ones under COVID-19, the crisis has highlighted the interrelationship between environmental and social issues. The implementation of the Paris Agreement in the region has become a roadmap for recovery.

Let's Use Financial Engineering for Good, with a New Structured Product

At a time of difficulty, due to COVID-19 and climate change, innovative financial products are needed: for example, one that offers great liquidity and flexibility so that banks in Latin America and the Caribbean can reach social impact and climate commitments.

Four insights for banks willing to seize sustainable finance opportunities
Four insights for banks willing to seize sustainable finance opportunities

Attitudes towards environmental, social and governance factors are changing across the investment and lending community in Latin America and the Caribbean. Financial impacts associated with extreme weather events, growing regulatory and industry pressures on climate-related risk disclosure, and enhanced availability of data, are key aspects influencing companies’ views of environmental, climate, social and governance (ESG) factors. As a result, the role of ESG analysis is shifting from an ancillary function to an integral part of fundamental analysis and new business propositions. IDB Invest’s annual Sustainability Week (Lima, Peru – May 7-9, 2018) took a pulse on this shift, exploring wider sectoral trends within agribusiness, infrastructure, and banking sectors. For the financial community, in particular, there were four key messages from Sustainability Week:    

Four reasons why the Caribbean private sector must invest in renewables
Four reasons why the Caribbean private sector must invest in renewables

In the Caribbean, the year-round sunshine and extremely favorable insolation levels have not been enough to spur significant investments in renewable energy. Now, a year after the signature of the Paris Agreement, investments in solar energy seem more appealing than ever before, mainly due to four reasons: