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Green Transmission Lines: Key Asset for the Development of Renewables in the Region

You probably haven't heard yet about a great way to ensure the sustainability of the energy sector: green transmission lines. These lines contribute to decarbonize interconnected national grids and feature top notch social practices.

The Banking Sector's Strategic Role in the Green Transition

Financial institutions have a critical role to play in the process of decarbonizing economies. Without their help, it will be impossible to finance the estimated $1.5 trillion (equivalent to 5% of the global GDP) needed to transition towards a green economy.

IDB World: Caribbean Social Infrastructure, Energy and the Pandemic’s Effect on Inequality

We present three selected IDB Group blog entries, on strengthening the resilience of the social infrastructure of the Caribbean, the energy sector and the pandemic's effects on inequality in the region.

Climate Action Beyond Net Zero Emissions: the Challenge of Adaptation

Climate risks are rising. To limit or avoid climate impacts companies must embed adaptation into their climate strategies and invest in resilience. Adaptation finance and advisory services are key to drive climate resilience in the private sector.

Welcome to the New Hydrogen Economy!

Green hydrogen is the new kid on the block in the renewable energy space. It’s generated through the split of hydrogen from oxygen in water using a renewable source (solar, wind energy or hydropower), causing no emissions from this process.

Regenerative Agriculture Offers Fresh Solutions for Latin America & the Caribbean

Regenerative agriculture aims to catalyze ecological restoration, going beyond sustainable. It comprises holistic management that fosters soil regeneration, increased productivity and biological diversity, animal welfare, as well as farm and community economics. Blended finance resources and advisory services are key to catalyze innovative regenerative business models.