How Will the Rise of Miami as a Global Tech Hub Impact Latin America & the Caribbean?
Foreign-born founders, including many Latinx, account for around 40% of entrepreneurs in Miami, as South Florida evolves from a “stepping-stone” in and out of Latin America and the Caribbean, becoming a tech hub for the region.
The importance of being Robert
*By Andrew Morrison My middle name is Robert, but I am sure my parents would have thought more about making it my first name if they had known what a recent study has revealed: for large U.S. companies, more board seats are held by men named Robert, John, James and William than by all women combined. In fact, women hold only 16% of board seats in the U.S. While this is an improvement from 11% in 2011, at this rate it will take 80 years until women hold 50% of board seats.
Securitization: What Can It Do for Lending Techs in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Fintech lenders in the region identify financing as one of their major challenges. Securitization can help them in accessing more investors and drive down financing costs.
How to invest with a gender lens?
Gender lens investing is a profitable and socially responsible wager that generates improved business performance and multiplies the well-being of a community. It is also a courageous and positive way to do business.
Corporate Governance: A match made in heaven or a relationship on the rocks?
As in romance, a company and its corporate governance structure can be a match made in heaven. Together they can ensure greater competitiveness, transparency and access to international financial markets. Consequently this attracts more investors to the country. And while the “perfect marriage” does not exist, when it comes to family business, corporate governance fosters harmony. If handled poorly, it can put the relationship on the rocks, making it problematic, uncomfortable, and at risk of corporate failure.