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Central de energía eólica
Innovative Incentives for Early Coal Plant Phase Out: The case of Engie in Chile

An example of how carbon markets can be a useful tool to accelerate the energy transition process in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Boosting Sustainable Tourism to Promote Land Conservation

Sustainable tourism helps to finance land conservation efforts while preserving natural ecosystems. A recent initiative in Chile’s Torres del Paine national park is a great example of this.

Adaptation, the Climate Opportunity for the Private Sector

Investing in preventative adaptation solutions can be more effective and less costly for the private sector than a late response. The opportunities available to adapt to climate change remain largely unmet.

Trabajador de la construcción
Mobilizing Private Capital for Sustainable Infrastructure

Climate-related investments needed in the region through the end of the decade stand at between $470 billion and $1.3 trillion. Governments are unable to fund such amounts, so they are increasingly turning to the private sector to raise capital and relieve the pressure.

The Net-Zero Opportunity in Latin America and the Caribbean

The abundance of renewable resources places the regional industry well below many of its rivals in terms of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of electricity generated — a unique advantage that can help the region move rapidly towards the net-zero emission target.

5G Connectivity, A Positive Impact on Climate Change

High-speed 5G Internet connections will help more remote work and information access, reducing emissions from cars and planes, and facilitate self-driving vehicles, leading to fewer accidents and shorter commutes, as well as the widespread adoption of smart buildings with less energy use.