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Posts by Gender

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From knowledge to reality: Leveling the playing field for women

What a coincidence that during the same week, the IMF published “Women, Work and the Economy”, the Clinton Global Initiative announced numerous initiatives to empower women and the IDB hosted Jackie VanderBrug to kick off a speaker series highlighting influential professionals who promote women in the private sector. While long overdue, the issue of gender is getting the traction it deserves.

How to mainstream impact investing?
How to mainstream impact investing?

We have consensus that Impact Investing is a fast growing field attracting a lot of attention. The Monitor Group estimates it could grow to $500 billion in the next 10 years, whereas others estimate this figure in the trillions. However, we still lack consensus on what exactly Impact Investing is and what is needed to bring it mainstream. In Tuesday’s Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and GIIN Forum on Impact Investing in Latin America and the Caribbean, GIIN's CEO Luther Ragin defined Impact Investing as an investment made by an investor with the express intention of 1) achieving positive social and/or environmental benefits and 2) earning a rate of return.

Financing for Women Entrepreneurs, Key for Economic Recovery

Support for the sizeable number of women entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean must include a gender perspective to achieve economic recovery. This implies either specific funding or collateral programs to lower risks for financial institutions.

Financial Institutions: Closing Gender Gaps in the Region
Financial Institutions: Closing Gender Gaps in the Region

Opening doors for women inside and outside of financial institutions is quickly becoming two sides of the same coin. Setting aside budgets and prejudices is the next step for creating leadership and management opportunities for women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

How Can More Women Business Owners Be Incorporated In Value Chains?
How Can More Women Business Owners Be Incorporated In Value Chains?

When discussing value chains and gender, we are talking about an environment in which women-owned provider companies do not have the same access as those led by men. Breaking down this asymmetry would mean a real victory for inclusion and development.

Global Microscope 2019: What Can Decision Makers Learn From It?
Global Microscope 2019: What Can Decision Makers Learn From It?

The Global Microscope on Financial Inclusion is a wealth of information on Latin America and the Caribbean. It is also an insightful road-map for smart decision-making in the year ahead.