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Posts by Gender

How to Train Entrepreneurs? Don’t Overload Their Cognitive Bandwidth
How to Train Entrepreneurs? Don’t Overload Their Cognitive Bandwidth

Less is more when it comes to business training for entrepreneurs, especially for women whose cognitive bandwidth is already overtaxed by business and household demands.

Millennial women: How to get them to make better financial decisions?
Millennial women: How to get them to make better financial decisions?

It's not just about educational improvements and opportunities. One of the greatest challenges of our region is to involve more millennial women in socially responsible financial decisions.

How to invest with a gender lens?
How to invest with a gender lens?

Gender lens investing is a profitable and socially responsible wager that generates improved business performance and multiplies the well-being of a community. It is also a courageous and positive way to do business.

How to create green jobs with a gender perspective?
How to create green jobs with a gender perspective?

Climate change has transformed economic models and opportunities around the globe, and Latin America and the Caribbean are not immune to this new reality. At IDB Invest, when we talk to our clients in the region about generating green jobs and applying a gender perspective in their projects, we usually find very good reception and positive responses.

How to achieve women’s financial inclusion: The role of financial intermediaries and strong sex-disaggregated data
How to achieve women’s financial inclusion: The role of financial intermediaries and strong sex-disaggregated data

In light of the number of initiatives developed in Latin America and the Caribbean to help increase the availability and use of sex-disaggregated demand-side (customer) and supply-side (institution) data across the ecosystem, you may think we’ve moved on from asking financial intermediaries: “How big is the women’s market opportunity in Latin America and the Caribbean?” to “Did the women’s market initiative perform as expected”? We have not.

The gender equality imperative in the workplace
The gender equality imperative in the workplace

Gender equality is paramount for increased inclusion as well as business profitability arising from their increased labor force participation.