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Posts by Development Impact

The best of 2015: How to make cultural tourism sustainable
The best of 2015: How to make cultural tourism sustainable

If you want to start a hotel, the normal thing to do is buy some land, build the hotel, hire a few locals for cooking, cleaning and maintenance and open for business.

This is the Time to Push Social Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean

Discussions about investment in transport infrastructure as a recipe to get out of the crisis have become a cliché. But there's not so much talk about investment in social infrastructure, focused on sectors such as health or education, which also creates large multiplier effects.

How to Turn the Pandemic into an Opportunity for the Silver Economy

COVID-19 has stressed the need to accelerate financial inclusion through the digitization of the silver economy, that which includes older adults. This is a population segment that is increasingly tech-savvy and highly involved in business and investment.

How to Ramp Up the Social and Economic Contributions of Indigenous Peoples

A strong public and private commitment with the more than 800 indigenous groups in Latin America & the Caribbean is needed to boost their contribution to economic development. Better and more investment in indigenous territories is a must, as part of an approach based on development with identity that increases the efficiency and impact of such investment.

Your Business is Next in Line for Internet-of-Things Disruption

The shape of the post-pandemic economy will be dominated by digitalization and the Internet of Things. Think about everyday tools in industries such as agriculture, financial services, healthcare, logistics and automotive, all sharing data on the cloud, and the implications of that revolution.

Innovation during COVID-19: If You Want Something New, Stop Doing Something Old

In discussions about innovation, the focus should be on creating better processes and technologies that allow for increased productivity and value creation. There's no need to reinvent the wheel or the iPhone, but simply to make use of creativity in the region to fast-forward its exit from the crisis.