Innovation Boosts Productivity, Wages, and Sales in the Caribbean
A recent study by IDB Invest and FinDev Canada analyzes survey data from over 1,000 firms across seven Caribbean countries in 2020, finding that investing in new or improved products, services, processes, methods, or distribution channels drives productivity and financial performance and can also make companies more resilient in the face of crisis.

Reigniting Women-led Businesses in the Caribbean with Better Access to Finance
New data from the Caribbean shows that high collateral requirements and interest rates are among the top barriers for women-owned and -led businesses looking for financing. Overcoming these hurdles is an important challenge for the Caribbean, especially as firms seek to regain a foothold in a post-pandemic private sector.

How to Promote Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector
Energy efficiency is critical for Latin America and the Caribbean, historically characterized by high energy consumption and low productivity. Lessons learned from promoting energy efficiency practices among firms can help guide strategies moving forward.

New Data Shows the Impacts of the Pandemic on Caribbean Businesses
The Caribbean region has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic, with a deeper economic contraction than Latin America as a whole. The impact has been worse for women-owned/led firms and smaller firms, and supply chain disruptions have significantly affected firm performance.