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Julián González Martínez

Julián González es consultor en el equipo de servicios de asesoría en BID Invest. En el equipo de cambio climático, se especializa en asesorar proyectos de infraestructura y energía, así como de manufactura y producción sostenible. Julián es ingeniero mecánico y ambiental y cuenta con una maestría en tecnologías de energía renovable. Ha trabajado en proyectos de hidrógeno verde, movilidad eléctrica, generación con renovables, distritos térmicos, sostenibilidad corporativa, y descarbonización de operaciones. Está basado en la Representación en Colombia del BID.

Posts by Julián González Martínez

A housing development by Vinte in Mexico
Respect the Environment, Protect People, and Improve Quality of Life: How To Build Green Houses

Developing sustainable and affordable housing for the most vulnerable populations is a major challenge in a changing global context that requires buildings and infrastructure to incorporate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.

Una playa en el Caribe
Green Tourism in the Caribbean Makes Business Sense: LEED and EDGE can Make it Happen

Green building certifications play a crucial role in reducing emissions by encouraging and recognizing sustainable practices in the construction and operation of buildings. Combining technical assistance and blended finance can further promote the sharing of knowledge and best practices, in addition to providing incentives to ramp up climate action.

Green Hydrogen Is Picking Up Speed in Latin America and the Caribbean

Green hydrogen can revolutionize the energy, manufacturing and transportation sectors in the region, making it a global hub of the so-called "energy vector of the future." However, some major challenges to its sustained deployment need to be taken into account.