Xochi, a Path of Flowers to Alleviate Traffic Woes in Guatemala
In a country where gridlocks are a part of daily life, a private toll road built to international standards drastically reduces travel time, empowers local communities, and innovates in more than one way for a project of its kind.

Is Bikesharing The Future of Latin America’s Cities?
Micromobility solutions, such as shared bikes and scooters, have gained significant traction in cities worldwide, with Latin America witnessing a surge in their adoption. These alternatives to car usage promise reduced emissions, reduced congestion, and decreased parking space demands in urban centers.

Making Women Welcome: the Next Challenge for Renewable Energy Construction Projects
If we want the benefits of the energy transition extended to women, then private sector-led workforce development – focused on female employment in construction, currently very low – is critical.

Using Climate Finance to Close Gender Gaps in Renewable Energy
Women face hurdles to access jobs in the high-growing renewable energy industry. More than 80% new jobs created by the decarbonization agenda will be in male-dominated sectors. Blended finance solutions are an important tool to incentivize sponsors to take proactive steps to dismantle these barriers to gender equality.