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David Brogeras

David leads the Digital Transformation Advisory Services team at IDB Invest, which he joined in 2021. His role involves developing advisory and knowledge services that address the challenges of digital transformation in the private sector, and its impact on sustainability, through the incorporation of technological solutions supported by platforms, data analytics, and artificial intelligence.

Throughout his career, David has been a partner at two of the world's leading consulting companies, specializing in digital transformation. Additionally, he is an entrepreneur and co-founder of two technology companies.

David holds a Bachelor's degree in Physical Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has experience in navigating changing and complex business environments in Europe and Latin America, consistently achieving notable team objectives.

Posts by David Brogeras

Una mujer recibiendo un pago electrónico con su celular
Is Digital Transformation Improving Financial Inclusion? Here Is What We Found Out

Institutions of all types and sizes have embraced the new technologies to update their business and reach marginalized groups. Progress is uneven, but the opportunities are enormous.

Trabajadoras instalando paneles solares
The Technologies that will turn Latin America and the Caribbean into a Global Hub for Sustainable Energies

Abundant minerals for transition, potential in hydro, solar, and wind power, and tools from the digital revolution position the region ideally for developing future energies and reaping their benefits.

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Will technology transform education? Certain conditions apply

New digital tools in education are a source of innovation, progress, and efficiency. But only with investment, vision, and commitment will we benefit from their full potential.

Personas haciendo escalada en una cascada.
Holidays 2.0: How Technology is Shaping the Future of Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean is a region greatly abundant in natural and cultural resources, with a huge potential to become a global benchmark in the tourism industry, driving economic growth and quality job creation in the region. Despite some setbacks, new customer behaviors and, especially, technology breakthroughs have brought about new opportunities for the industry.