Overcoming Three Challenges to Unlock the Potential of Green Hydrogen
Several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have an adequate renewable energy generation capacity, abundant water resources and other favorable conditions to diversify the power generation matrices and decarbonize energy-intensive industrial segments. Breaking down legal, regulatory, financial, technical and market barriers can help them lead the charge on clean energy initiatives.

What does it take to address the large climate adaptation financing gap in Latin America and the Caribbean?
The region has a significant adaptation finance and investment gap ranging from $18 to $51 billion annually. Taking action now could reduce the vulnerabilities of businesses, increase the resilience of human and natural systems, and bring several additional benefits.

The Caribbean: A Private Sector’s Challenge to Increasing Productivity and Growth – Part II
The 4th Industrial Revolution brings endless opportunities for the Caribbean. To exploit these opportunities, the private sector can partner with governments to deploy successful initiatives to prepare the current and future workforce for the emerging technologies.

The Caribbean: A Private Sector’s Challenge to Increasing Productivity and Growth – Part I
New technologies and big data are increasing the demand for skills, including digital skills and high-level cognitive skills. Caribbean private sector can influence the types of skills it needs from its workforce and play an active role in increasing productivity and competitiveness in the region - and globally.