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Financial Institutions: Closing Gender Gaps in the Region
Financial Institutions: Closing Gender Gaps in the Region

Opening doors for women inside and outside of financial institutions is quickly becoming two sides of the same coin. Setting aside budgets and prejudices is the next step for creating leadership and management opportunities for women in Latin America and the Caribbean.

How Can More Women Business Owners Be Incorporated In Value Chains?
How Can More Women Business Owners Be Incorporated In Value Chains?

When discussing value chains and gender, we are talking about an environment in which women-owned provider companies do not have the same access as those led by men. Breaking down this asymmetry would mean a real victory for inclusion and development.

Infrastructure, Energy and Gender: The Benefits of Equality
Infrastructure, Energy and Gender: The Benefits of Equality

New economic challenges open spaces for inclusion and gender equity. A gender-balanced workforce, especially in the energy and infrastructure sectors, contributes greater productivity and innovation capacity, among other benefits.

Four Success Stories In The Battle For Financial Inclusion
Four Success Stories In The Battle For Financial Inclusion

Latin America is still the leading region with regard to regulations and infrastructure that support financial inclusion. How can this opportunity be exploited to achieve more ambitious results?

Thematic Bonds: Essential Tools for Development
Thematic Bonds: Essential Tools for Development

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires the collaboration of governments, the private sector, and civil society. Thematic bonds provide our region with financial and technical knowledge, as well as opportunities to share valuable experiences.

Managing risks in an era of stakeholder capitalism
Managing risks in an era of stakeholder capitalism

In 2020, firms will be judged less on how they respond to crises and more on how they anticipate them. Engaging stakeholders through technology is an important first step.