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Can Solar Panels Be the Cellphones of the Future?

The tech revolution in solar energy, driving a significant drop in costs, is the best solution to the problem of connecting isolated communities to the power grid. These models, however, also provide a vision of a possible future with decentralized networks or even customers who not only consume energy but also produce and send it into the grid.

Let's Use Financial Engineering for Good, with a New Structured Product

At a time of difficulty, due to COVID-19 and climate change, innovative financial products are needed: for example, one that offers great liquidity and flexibility so that banks in Latin America and the Caribbean can reach social impact and climate commitments.

Pushing boundaries with blended finance in Latin America and the Caribbean
Pushing boundaries with blended finance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Every transition, every turning point, moves through critical junctures wherein a slight push determines the success or failure of a transformative proposal. Crossing the frontiers or staying in the same place. This applies to everything, from people to new business models or innovative financial solutions.