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Venture Debt Now Available! A New Financial Solution for High-Growth Firms In the Region

Venture debt can be an attractive, efficient and flexible financing option to drive innovative and tech-companies growth, in addition to and complementing venture capital investment. Find out what it's about and the first regional fund focused on this instrument for expanding ventures.

Innovation during COVID-19: If You Want Something New, Stop Doing Something Old

In discussions about innovation, the focus should be on creating better processes and technologies that allow for increased productivity and value creation. There's no need to reinvent the wheel or the iPhone, but simply to make use of creativity in the region to fast-forward its exit from the crisis.

Four insights for banks willing to seize sustainable finance opportunities
Four insights for banks willing to seize sustainable finance opportunities

Attitudes towards environmental, social and governance factors are changing across the investment and lending community in Latin America and the Caribbean. Financial impacts associated with extreme weather events, growing regulatory and industry pressures on climate-related risk disclosure, and enhanced availability of data, are key aspects influencing companies’ views of environmental, climate, social and governance (ESG) factors. As a result, the role of ESG analysis is shifting from an ancillary function to an integral part of fundamental analysis and new business propositions. IDB Invest’s annual Sustainability Week (Lima, Peru – May 7-9, 2018) took a pulse on this shift, exploring wider sectoral trends within agribusiness, infrastructure, and banking sectors. For the financial community, in particular, there were four key messages from Sustainability Week:    

Five reasons FinTech companies are an opportunity for financial institutions and SMEs
Five reasons FinTech companies are an opportunity for financial institutions and SMEs

By Greg Da Re Access to financing has been and continues to be the main obstacle facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). According to a recent survey, 90% of all banks surveyed in Latin America and the Caribbean consider SMEs strategically important for their business, yet 44% acknowledge that their portfolio lacks suitable financial products for such enterprises.