Imega Breese
Last name
Mrs. Breese McNab is known for her extensive experience in building membership organizations through partnerships, and for her innovative skills in fostering constructive relationships among stakeholders.
She previously served as Executive Director of the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA). While at the JMEA she expanded the reach and impact of the biennial trade show, Expo Jamaica; negotiated to help manufacturers retain incentives; helped lead the amalgamation of the Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA) and the Jamaica Exporters’ Association (JEA) to form the Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association (JMEA).
Mrs. Breese McNab grew up in the quaint parish of Hanover, in the fishing village of Sandy Bay. She obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science, with a minor in economics in 2002 and a master’s degree in governance from the University of the West Indies.