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BRON means “the source.” We are the source for a new wave of thinking, ingenuity and excellence in the Caribbean and the world over. The sun is instrumental in our branding because it is the source of life. It also extends over the entire earth and we want our possibilities to be as unlimited as its reach, hence our motto #PossibilitiesUnlimited.
BRON is a multinational, interdisciplinary development consulting group with teams in The Bahamas, Florida, Turks and Caicos Islands and Saint Kitts. BRON has 60+ in-house staff, completed over 1,200 projects, across 60+ islands and cays of The Bahamas and the Caribbean. The group has built strong industry relationships over the past two decades, having team members who have worked throughout the public sector, private sector, non-profit organizations and academia. Over the years, the team have developed a niche market and reputation in a number of sectors led by the luxury residential and resort development industry that currently includes architectural services, engineering, environmental sciences, project management, drilling, field testing, and data collection.