Sustainable financing against climate change
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December 2019
Investing in Reversing: Sustainable Finance Strategies Against Climate Change
IDB Invest is at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25)
Our goal is to raise the level of ambition to reverse actions and decisions that heighten climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean, making all our financial resources and knowledge available to companies to mobilize investments in sustainable projects.

We promote a sustainable financial sector
We have a dual strategy to channel the influence of financial entities in a positive manner. We create an innovative portfolio of green solutions related to low-emission projects that are resilient to climate effects and have social impact.
and, we try to make our clients and general investors aware of the fact that sustainable finance is a business opportunity worth considering.
We match supply and demand to create a deep market of sustainable financial instruments.


We catalyze resources for sustainable projects
We know IDB Invest’s participation in sustainable projects represents a guarantee against potential risks, creating a multiplying and “bandwagon” effect on the private sector. We act in accordance with the blended finance principles of multilateral organizations to design innovative financial products such as B-bonds, Total Credit Guarantee and blended finance.
We facilitate the participation of investors in the development of sustainable infrastructures in Latin America and the Caribbean.
We include resilience for a smart investment
We are clear that climate change can impact the supply chain of commodities, with highly negative potential effects on local producers. We seek to mitigate this problem by sharing models that facilitate the calculation of consequences, in addition to providing finance.
Our operations include a risk analysis that assesses the exposure of projects to climate change and plans steps to take to safeguard flows of income, to shield infrastructures and agricultural production through smart investments that promote their resilience.