Next Stop for Electric Buses: What Do We Do with the Batteries?
This type of vehicle is becoming a key option compared to diesel to reduce emissions in public transport. The challenge, however, is to find effective ways to extend the life of the batteries and recycle their components.
Finding a Common Language for Financing the Circular Economy in Peru
Achieving a just transition to the circular economy involves a shift into a new model that leaves no one behind. Although the road ahead is teeming with obstacles, the experience in Peru has jump-started a knowledge-creation process, easing the transition and establishing the first steps.
Developing a Common Language to Drive Circular Financing at Scale
The concept of circular economy has gained significant strength in recent years given its sustainable approach to promote the transition to models with practices that generate economic development without harming the environment and rather seek its regeneration. However, its application in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) still presents many challenges and in some cases it tends to go unnoticed.