A Woman Entrepreneur Gets a Loan, What Happens Next? Track the Impact to Find Out
For most women-led MSMEs simply getting a loan is a struggle. What happens to those that do? Do their businesses grow and create jobs? For banks in the region, capturing information about the impact of these loans can help them better serve women and tap into the growing impact investing market.

We Are Half the Population But Less Than One-third of Top Corporate Leaders. What Can Companies Do?
The evidence is solid: companies with women in leadership positions achieve clear financial and business benefits. Despite significant challenges, the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean has the opportunity to do more about it.

Is it Time to Rethink Financial Services for Women Entrepreneurs? We Conducted a Survey to Find Out
Women's leadership and entrepreneurial spirit are mostly untapped opportunities. Fintechs, microfinance companies, cooperatives, and commercial and development banks in Latin America and the Caribbean are exploring ways to better serve women entrepreneurs.