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Posts by Gender

Data gaps and women entrepreneurs: why they matter
Data gaps and women entrepreneurs: why they matter

* By Nancy Lee, General Manager, Multilateral Investment Fund While moderating a panel at the annual summit of the Global Banking Alliance for Women on gaps in data about the women’s market, I briefed the audience of about 200 on the gender-related results of a 2013 survey by FELABAN, the Latin American bankers’ association. The survey posed two questions to regional bankers regarding use of data broken down by gender and how banks serve their women clients.

Soccer and women: not just something men talk about
Soccer and women: not just something men talk about

Well done Germany! The German national football team is the winner of the FIFA 2014 World Cup that ended Sunday at the Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The next time a men’s soccer team holds the FIFA World Cup trophy will be four years from now in Russia. As Die Nationalmannschaft were congratulated by two female heads of state; Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff and Germany’s Angela Merkel, another important event came to mind: the FIFA 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada

Defining Expectations: An interview with Jamaica’s Maureen Hayden-Cater on women and leadership
Defining Expectations: An interview with Jamaica’s Maureen Hayden-Cater on women and leadership

A Caribbean bank leader highlights her experience promoting gender equality both inside and out Maureen Hayden-Cater, President of Jamaica’s First Global Bank, visited the IDB Group to participate in our speaker series “Promoting Women Leaders in the Private Sector.” The initiative is part of the IDB Group Private Sector’s goal to showcase women leaders in the region and strengthen diversity and gender equality. Before her keynote speech, which will be followed by a question and answer session with IDB Group staff, I reached out to First Global’s President to learn more about what women and leadership mean to her.

The Caribbean Private Sector: How to expand lending
The Caribbean Private Sector: How to expand lending

“All cassava have the same skin, but all don’t taste the same way,” is a Caribbean proverb which serves as a reminder that while people may appear alike on the outside, each is quite unique on the inside. The saying, which first originated in Guyana, speaks about the individuality of people, yet it also resonates with me as a development professional when thinking about the diversity of the Caribbean economies. From what I have seen, each country in this region offers a distinct mix of cultural richness, entrepreneurialism, sector expertise, biodiversity, natural resources and much more.

"A man is not a financial plan:" Banks globally target women clients
"A man is not a financial plan:" Banks globally target women clients

Westpac's Larke Riemer is director of women's markets and not shy about her business, offering straightforward advice for women clients. Five top leaders in women's banking, including Riemer, spoke today on an eye-opening panel at the 47th annual FELABAN (Latin American Federation of Banks) conference in Miami, FL. The session highlighted how to strengthen female financial inclusion.