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Posts by Climate change

Sustainability-Linked Bonds Come With Great Perks for Businesses

Sustainability-linked bonds have key perks for issuers including ensuring the walk-the-talk of sustainability and corporate strategies; use of funds for general corporate purposes; investor attraction and diversification; potential ‘greenium’, and others.

Climate change, also a health issue
Climate Change is Also a Health Issue

Climate change is affecting a number of environmental and social aspects that have direct and indirect impacts on human health. Understanding these impacts can be critical to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Life with an Electric Car: the Bright Side of Driving a Giant, Clean Cellphone

Moving away from a regular vehicle to an electric one is not just a matter of changing where you fill up. It’s a complete shift in mentality that helps the environment and brings you to see things in a new way. Think that an electric car is more like a giant cellphone.

The Banking Sector's Strategic Role in the Green Transition

Financial institutions have a critical role to play in the process of decarbonizing economies. Without their help, it will be impossible to finance the estimated $1.5 trillion (equivalent to 5% of the global GDP) needed to transition towards a green economy.

Climate Action Beyond Net Zero Emissions: the Challenge of Adaptation

Climate risks are rising. To limit or avoid climate impacts companies must embed adaptation into their climate strategies and invest in resilience. Adaptation finance and advisory services are key to drive climate resilience in the private sector.

When It Comes to the Climate, 10 Years Is Nothing

The European Union, with its Green Deal underway, has pledged to reduce its emissions of polluting gases by 55% in 2030 to achieve a zero emissions goal in 2050.