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Rodrigo Navas

Rodrigo is the Director of the Manufacturing team at IDB Invest, a role he assumed in 2016. He is responsible for strategy development, business plans, client management, and transaction structuring for the Manufacturing sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. His professional career in international finance spans over twenty-five years in financial institutions in the local banking sector in Costa Rica, regional, global, and multilateral. In his 20 years at the IDB Group, he has led multiple operations in most countries across the region and different economic sectors. His experience includes the development of lending and capital markets operations. Rodrigo holds a bachelor's degree from Universidad Fidelitas and a master's degree from Universidad FUNDEPOS, both in Business Administration with emphasis in Finance and Banking.

Posts by Rodrigo Navas

Innovation during COVID-19: If You Want Something New, Stop Doing Something Old

In discussions about innovation, the focus should be on creating better processes and technologies that allow for increased productivity and value creation. There's no need to reinvent the wheel or the iPhone, but simply to make use of creativity in the region to fast-forward its exit from the crisis.

The Case for Unlocking the Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Case for Unlocking the Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Circular economy (CE) presents an opportunity for an inclusive and resource-smart future. It is also a chance for Latin America and the Caribbean to depart from an incremental into a transformative change.

What Can We Learn From Today’s Housing Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean?
What Can We Learn From Today’s Housing Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean?

The shortage of housing impacts on a major number of people in the region. Only sharing experiences and knowledge will we be able to find sustainable long-term solutions.

Five considerations for understanding the importance of the manufacturing sector
Five considerations for understanding the importance of the manufacturing sector

I landed on Monday, September 3rd, 2018, at the Port-au-Prince international airport in Haiti, completing a milestone that had begun on June 16th, 2004, in my native Costa Rica: visiting each of the 26 borrowing member countries of the IDB Group, promoting the development of Latin America and the Caribbean.