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Karina Gómez

Karina Gómez Gálvez is the Commercial and Social Manager at Fondo Esperanza, with extensive experience in entrepreneurship, education, gender, impact studies, and microfinance for the most vulnerable sectors. She is responsible for creating and implementing the adult training model to promote entrepreneurship and empowerment for nearly 130,000 women entrepreneurs supported by Fondo Esperanza. Responsible for the creation of the institution's impact measurement and management system. She is an adjunct professor at the School of Social Work of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. In 2021, she was part of the research team for the Solidarity and Social Investment Fund (Fosis) of the Government of Chile as an expert advisor for evaluating the impact perception of the Yo Emprendo program. In 2011, she was a consultant for creating educational modules to promote female entrepreneurship for Fundación Promoción y Desarrollo de la Mujer (Prodemu), Government of Chile. In 2009, she was part of the consulting team of the IDB, Un techo para mi País, for developing the Microcredit Program. She is a Social worker from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, a Diploma in Adult Learning and Education from Universidad Alberto Hurtado, a Diploma in Business Administration, and a Master in Community Social Psychology from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Posts by Karina Gómez

Una emprendedora venezolana en su taller
Microfinance to Reduce Gaps for the Migrant Population in Chile

If the public and private sectors, financial institutions, and civil society collaborate, financial inclusion for immigrants could be an opportunity for innovation, social cohesion, and economic growth.