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IDB Invest

Like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), our commitment is to economic growth and social inclusion; that is central to our identity as part of the IDB Group. But our focus is on the private sector. As the private-sector arm of the IDB Group, we know the region. We work where our clients are and can provide them with customized financing solutions and expert advice tailored to their specific industry and market. IDB Invest is owned by its 48 member countries, 26 of which are in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Each country’s voting power is proportional to the number of IDB Invest shares it holds.

Posts by IDB Invest

Vista aérea del río Amazonas
Looking for Ideas to Invest in a Better Future? Let Amazonia Inspire You

Join the transformative movement at IDB Invest Sustainability Week 2024 in Manaus from June 11th to 13th. Collaborate with global leaders, embrace local solutions, and ignite real change. Register now for a brighter, sustainable future!

Woodblocks with the number 2023
Adaptation, Financial Inclusion, Gender, Sustainability, and the Digital Gap: A Recap of 2023

The year concludes with significant challenges, demanding flexible and creative solutions. Fortunately, the private sector is increasingly showing interest in issues aimed at promoting a fairer and more sustainable world. Here's a snapshot of the topics that garnered the most attention in IDB Invest’s corporate blog, Negocios Sostenibles, over the past twelve months.

A scuba diver swims along a sea turtle
Maximiliano Bello: "If we did not extract the fish from the sea, what could be its value?"

Can oceans be sustainably managed? How can we engage the private sector in these efforts? What role should multilateral institutions play? These are some of the concerns addressed by Maximiliano Bello, an international ocean policy expert, in an interview with Silvia Dangond Gibsone, communicator of IDB Invest.