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Cristina Nolasco

Cristina Nolasco, speaker, entrepreneur, and recognized for her work as a connector of the innovation ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean. Her career began running digital native businesses, from technology products to sales and communications. From IDB’s Innovation team (KIC), she managed initiatives to mainstream innovation within the institution and ran yearly calls for startups and social businesses improving lives in the region. During her time at IDB Lab, she led the Connections strategy with key audiences, such as startups, venture capital funds, governments and private sector partners to promote the use of cutting-edge technologies and new business models for development. She launched the first edition of IDB Lab Forum, the main event on innovation for inclusion in the region, and co-founded Moonshots for Development, a network of innovation labs of multilateral and development finance institutions to scale their collective global impact. Most recently, she was Head of Partnerships at Platzi, one the largest professional education platforms in Latin America. Mentor to dozens of startups and advocate for biodiversity and conservation in her hometown of Cancun, Mexico.

Posts by Cristina Nolasco

Una mujer recibiendo un pago electrónico con su celular
Is Digital Transformation Improving Financial Inclusion? Here Is What We Found Out

Institutions of all types and sizes have embraced the new technologies to update their business and reach marginalized groups. Progress is uneven, but the opportunities are enormous.