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Eight ways women can lead with passion
Eight ways women can lead with passion

I have to be honest. Until very recently, the words “leadership” and “passion” were not part of my generation’s lexicon. Having to use them together in a sentence, I for one was flat out uncomfortable.  Thanks to conversations about "leaning in," the "quest for perfection" and "why women still can't have it all," a dialogue was started - albeit at a bit of a distance from Latin American and the Caribbean professionals. At the IDB headquarters in Washington, DC, the Vice Presidency for the Private Sector sought to bring that dialogue closer to home. Over a hundred colleagues and I attended a conversation with Inez Murray, CEO of the Global Banking Alliance for Women. The personal insights shared left staff smiling, debating and, most importantly, reflecting.

Renewable Energy: Approaching the tipping point
Renewable Energy: Approaching the tipping point

Renewable Energy: Approaching the tipping point Imagine pushing a cumbersome and heavy ball up a steep incline with the goal of arriving at the top and having it roll down the other side by itself to a final destination. The initial time invested and physical strength exerted would seem worthwhile if you could just arrive at the summit – the tipping point. This is oftentimes the feeling in the renewable energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Although there is increasing activity in renewable projects and frameworks, developers, investors, engineers and others in the relatively nascent industry in LAC seem to be trudging up a hill, sweating and hoping that the industry can soon move itself without assistance. 

Behind the Scenes: Access to Food in the Time of COVID
Behind the Scenes: Access to Food in the Time of COVID

The agribusiness sector has proven particularly resilient. How have Latin American food production value chains fared during the crisis and what strategies are they taking to confront new challenges?

How to Leverage Green, Social and Sustainable Bonds in Our Region?
How to Leverage Green, Social and Sustainable Bonds in Our Region?

Multilateral development banks are playing a major role in the creation and expansion of a green, social and sustainable bond market, known as thematic bonds, in Latin America and the Caribbean. What should investors and clients expect from them?

Technology to access an unexplored market in Peru
Technology to access an unexplored market in Peru

Good news for companies and financial institutions interested in tapping into new markets: Peruvians who live at the base of the pyramid (BoP) spent 160 percent more on information and communications technologies (ICT) in 2013 than in 2000 –from US$20 per capita per year to US$52. Currently, four out of ten BoP heads of households use the internet. More than half of them are between 18 and 35 years old.  Additionally, 95 percent of the country’s BoP heads of household own a cellphone, and predominantly the younger ones use it to access the internet.

Financial inclusion just a click away: E-wallets and payment platforms
Financial inclusion just a click away: E-wallets and payment platforms

By  Valentina Echeverry, Opportunities for the Majority; and Sergio Navajas, MIF. In Latin America, 60 percent of the population lacks access to financial services, equivalent to approximately 250 million people. However, mobile phone penetration is between 90 and 100 percent.  In some countries, such as Colombia, penetration is 105 percent. This indicates that most people have a mobile device and some, even two. What role do mobile wallets and payment platforms play in financial inclusion?