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Three ways to strengthen financing for private companies in the Caribbean
Three ways to strengthen financing for private companies in the Caribbean

Growing up in The Bahamas, I remember my grandmother’s asue. There weren’t any banks where she lived on the island of Inagua, and even if there had been, it wasn’t customary for women to frequent them. To adapt, women (and sometimes men) formed their own informal savings groups, known as asues. As her group’s custodian, my grandmother collected a weekly contribution from participants who would then withdraw money on special occasions to cover school fees or larger purchases.

The COVID-19 Crisis: An Opportunity for the Financial Sector

Unlike the 2007–2009 crisis, when the global banking system was one of the factors that caused the economic downturn, in this crisis banks are set to be part of the solution. That is the role they must play. How can they do this?

How to achieve women’s financial inclusion: The role of financial intermediaries and strong sex-disaggregated data
How to achieve women’s financial inclusion: The role of financial intermediaries and strong sex-disaggregated data

In light of the number of initiatives developed in Latin America and the Caribbean to help increase the availability and use of sex-disaggregated demand-side (customer) and supply-side (institution) data across the ecosystem, you may think we’ve moved on from asking financial intermediaries: “How big is the women’s market opportunity in Latin America and the Caribbean?” to “Did the women’s market initiative perform as expected”? We have not.

Five reasons FinTech companies are an opportunity for financial institutions and SMEs
Five reasons FinTech companies are an opportunity for financial institutions and SMEs

By Greg Da Re Access to financing has been and continues to be the main obstacle facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). According to a recent survey, 90% of all banks surveyed in Latin America and the Caribbean consider SMEs strategically important for their business, yet 44% acknowledge that their portfolio lacks suitable financial products for such enterprises.

Financial inclusion just a click away: E-wallets and payment platforms
Financial inclusion just a click away: E-wallets and payment platforms

By  Valentina Echeverry, Opportunities for the Majority; and Sergio Navajas, MIF. In Latin America, 60 percent of the population lacks access to financial services, equivalent to approximately 250 million people. However, mobile phone penetration is between 90 and 100 percent.  In some countries, such as Colombia, penetration is 105 percent. This indicates that most people have a mobile device and some, even two. What role do mobile wallets and payment platforms play in financial inclusion?

"A man is not a financial plan:" Banks globally target women clients
"A man is not a financial plan:" Banks globally target women clients

Westpac's Larke Riemer is director of women's markets and not shy about her business, offering straightforward advice for women clients. Five top leaders in women's banking, including Riemer, spoke today on an eye-opening panel at the 47th annual FELABAN (Latin American Federation of Banks) conference in Miami, FL. The session highlighted how to strengthen female financial inclusion.