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Lessons from a Success Story: Private Port Operators in Latin America and the Caribbean

In the midst of COVID-19, maritime transportation remains essential to the world economy. Ports operated by the private sector have historically shown better performance as well as more flexibility and faster adoption of new technologies, key factors for a strong recovery from the current economic crisis.

Your Business is Next in Line for Internet-of-Things Disruption

The shape of the post-pandemic economy will be dominated by digitalization and the Internet of Things. Think about everyday tools in industries such as agriculture, financial services, healthcare, logistics and automotive, all sharing data on the cloud, and the implications of that revolution.

Innovation during COVID-19: If You Want Something New, Stop Doing Something Old

In discussions about innovation, the focus should be on creating better processes and technologies that allow for increased productivity and value creation. There's no need to reinvent the wheel or the iPhone, but simply to make use of creativity in the region to fast-forward its exit from the crisis.

Addressing Climate Risk: Five Steps to Get Started

The pandemic has given us all a crash course in dealing with crises, becoming a sneak peak into what a man-made global disaster that disproportionately impacts the poor and vulnerable can cause. Climate change can be very similar, and knowing how to navigate and gauge its risks even harder.

Coronavirus Impact Dashboard: The Effects of Social Distancing Measures
Coronavirus Impact Dashboard: The Effects of Social Distancing Measures


Financing for Women Entrepreneurs, Key for Economic Recovery

Support for the sizeable number of women entrepreneurs in Latin America and the Caribbean must include a gender perspective to achieve economic recovery. This implies either specific funding or collateral programs to lower risks for financial institutions.