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Sahara Dust Storms in the Caribbean, a Hazard For Both Humans and Coral Reefs

Saharan dust plumes are ramping up over the Caribbean region, creating health hazards that are particularly dangerous for those with their health compromised by COVID-19 or other problems. This is clear evidence that the region is not isolated from the effects of climate change elsewhere.

Addressing Climate Risk: Five Steps to Get Started

The pandemic has given us all a crash course in dealing with crises, becoming a sneak peak into what a man-made global disaster that disproportionately impacts the poor and vulnerable can cause. Climate change can be very similar, and knowing how to navigate and gauge its risks even harder.

Four Ways to Get the Most out of Palm Oil in Latin America and the Caribbean
Four Ways to Get the Most out of Palm Oil in Latin America and the Caribbean

What do soap, Ben and Jerry’s, and KitKat bars have in common? They all contain palm oil, an oil produced by the oil palm tree. Indonesia and Malaysia produce the vast majority of the world’s supply and have experienced significant environmental consequences as a result. Now the crop’s profitability is attracting interest in other tropical climates, including Latin America and the Caribbean.

How to celebrate Earth Day? Five ways to go about it.
How to celebrate Earth Day? Five ways to go about it.

“Why should I care about future generations? What have they ever done for me?” American comedian Julius “Groucho” Marx once joked. Fortunately, there is Earth Day. It offers an  opportunity to reflect on that very question. Today marks the 45th anniversary of the conception of the modern environmental movement. And by celebrating Earth Day in companies, schools and households, we can raise awareness and explore why we might want to care about future generations.  

Six Takeaways on the Growth of Palm Oil in Latin America
Six Takeaways on the Growth of Palm Oil in Latin America

As I have noted before in this space, there are a number of risks and opportunities associated with palm oil. Among other negative impacts, expansion of palm oil plantations drives deforestation in many tropical countries, resulting in enormous carbon emissions. However, palm oil’s high productivity makes it a profitable investment and it has the potential to bring wealth and employment to rural areas.

Is Investment in Palm Oil Certification Worth It?
Is Investment in Palm Oil Certification Worth It?

Palm oil has a terrible reputation. Especially among environmental and social advocates, palm oil is viewed as the crop responsible for a large-scale deforestation, particularly in Southeast Asia. Deforestation of carbon-rich forests leads to greenhouse gas emissions; between 2001 and 2010, palm oil-driven land-use change resulted in an average of 216-268 million tons of CO2 equivalent per year in Indonesia alone. For some perspective, that’s equivalent to the emissions from driving more than 45 million cars over the course of a year! Evidence also suggests labor rights violations, including child labor, at many plantations.